Seafarers’ calm
after the storm

Your family Ship supplier in North of France, since 1947

A company you can trust
Our only mission :
The best service at the best price !
What moves us is our clients’ satisfaction. Seafarer is not an easy job, and surely one of the most important to the world economy. Supplying qualitative products, on-time, at the best price is the least we can do to support them.

We do supply
Bonded stores
Wide range of Beers, Wines & Spirits, including local beers from Normandie. Also cigarettes, perfumes, toiletry… We adapt to your needs !
Technical Stores
We do supply Cabin stores, Deck stores, Engine stores…
Anything your good vessel needs !
It’s easy

Send us your request by email. We quote what you ask for, according to your needs, and send you back our offer.

We do our best to quote as quickly as possible. 8 hours max !

Our super driver delivers your goods at berth, FAS (Free Alongside Ship)

The ports we deliver
From our warehouse based in Normandie, we can easily deliver all the ports of North Atlantic and The English channel, from Nantes to Rotterdam.